What a Wife Wants
You’ve probably heard the saying: “Happy wife, happy life.” You may have even heard it sung: “What a girl wants, what a girl needs…whatever makes her happy.” Merlin even tried to teach King Arthur that “the way to handle a woman is to love her.” But what makes a woman happy? What expresses love? Let me throw out a few ideas.
- When she wants to talk, listen. That’s all. Listen. Don’t try to fix the problem for her. Listen. Understand. Empathize. Validate how she feels. That’s all you have to do. Don’t make it about the nail, just listen.
- Look for ways to serve and consider those as opportunities to express your love for your wife. If she seems tired, take on an extra chore to give her rest. If you see something that needs to be cleaned or picked up or put away, take care of it. Each act of service is an expression of love. Take every opportunity you can to express your love through service…even if it means cleaning the kitty litter. (the full extent of love)
- Become a student…of your wife. Notice and appreciate the things she does to maintain a home for you and your family. Express that appreciation verbally. Compliment her appearance. Acknowledge the character traits you admire in her. All this will communicate how much you value and adore her.
- Engage in nonsexual physical touch. Hold hands. Walk arm in arm. Give a kiss when you go our separate ways for the day. Give another kiss when you reunite. Share a random hug. Snuggle up together while you watch television. Give her a massage. Nonsexual physical touch can deeper the intimacy of your relationship.
These are just four ways you can increase your wife’s happiness and express your love for her. They sound too simple, don’t they? But they really work. If you doubt it, give them a try for the next two weeks and see what happens. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. And, if you have more ideas, more ways of expressing love for your wife, share them with us in the comments section below.
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