“Plan Your Marriage” Premarital Workshop
Most couples begin their marriage full of love and commitment for one another. They plan to live together in a “happily-ever-after-fairy-tale” long after the honeymoon ends. But, stresses naturally arise and put a strain on the relationship. Unless each person has developed practical skills for managing the marital relationship through times of natural stress and change, the marriage is at risk for divorce. In fact, one in three marriages and one in two cohabiting relationships end within ten years! That ending is filled with pain and anguish…and it generally comes at a high financial cost as well.
“Plan Your Marriage” will teach you practical skills to strengthen your marriage, even in the midst of natural transition and change. It is designed to teach you the skills necessary to have a long and healthy relationship. The practical skills taught in this workshop will strengthen your relationship, even in difficult times of transition and change. They will also “keep that spark” alive throughout the life of your marriage…if you practice them!
“Plan Your Marriage” will cover the following topics. Each topic includes instruction as well as time for you and your fiance to explore the topics as they relate specifically to you.
- Session One–Leaving Home: This session reviews the importance of personal growth and how your personal growth will enhance your marriage. We will also explore how the family you grew up in might influence your marriage as well as common myths about marriage.
Session Two–The Importance of Honor will explore the impact of honor on a healthy marriage. We will review several ways in which honor supports and strengthens friendship in marriage. A strong friendship built on honor will support a lasting, happy marriage (and a satisfying sex life as well!).
- Session Three–Four Gifts of Grace: Grace is a crucial ingredient for a healthy marriage and family life. This session reviews the importance of grace to your marriage and four ways you can share grace with your spouse.
- Session Four–Honor and Grace in Conflict: Every couple will experience conflict in their marriage. People are not perfect…and we argue from time to time. Having the skills to manage conflict is essential to a long and happy marriage. This session will give you the opportunity to assess your current conflict resolutions skills and learn new skills to add to your repertoire.
- Session Five–Creating Lasting Happiness: A happy marriage is built on daily decisions and interactions. This session delves into the regular habits a couple can develop to keep their marriage strong and their romance alive!
The Plan Your Marriage Workshop is scheduled annually, generally in the spring just before Easter. Watch for the next schedule date.
Location: Zion Lutheran Church, 4301 Brownsville Road, PGH, PA, 15236
The cost of this workshop is $120. This price includes:
- The five sessions listed above
- A workbook that follows the teaching material. The workbook also includes self-assessments and discussion questions related to the teaching to aid you and your fiance in discussion.
- Related handouts