Thank You, Body

Our society sends conflicting messages about their bodies, mixed messages that seem to develop a love/hate relationship with our bodies. As a result, a large percentage of people are dissatisfied with their bodies. Perhaps we need to change the focus from external appearance to function and character. We need to teach our children that what a body does for us is more important than appearance alone. We need to teach our children to be grateful for their body. With that in mind, I wanted to share this “body prayer” from Body Prayers: Finding Body Peace—A Journey of Self-Acceptance by Rebecca Ruggles Radcliffe (Copyright©1999 EASE). Share it with your children and let’s begin to raise a generation that appreciates their body.
Thank you hips for carrying me forward this morning.
Thank you legs for being strong enough to push on through the distance I choose to go.
Thank you feet for holding me, lifting me, supporting my every step.
Thank you ribs for sheltering my precious lungs.
Thank you lungs for taking in the sun-filled morning.
Thank you arms for embracing my life, for grabbing onto what is important to me.
Thank you face for feeling the wind and the sweetness of the day.
Thank you eyes for taking it all in, for keeping me centered, grounded, and here today.
Thank you brain for coordinating this amazing journey.
Thank you fingers for being able to stroke my child’s back, fingers, face, hair…
Thank you mouth for swallowing my morning tea.
Thank you heart for being so dedicated, so loyal, so loving.
Thank you soul for wanting so much more.
Thank you stomach for sorting out all that I put in, good and bad.
Thank you intestines for clearing out all that I do not need.
Thank you endocrine system for keeping me balanced, healthy, alive.
Thank you skin for containing me in one miraculous package.
Thank you hair for blowing free and helping me to dream.
Thank you neck for keeping all the communications in my life flowing.
Thank you womb for making me creative, life-producing, feminine, changing, growing.
Thank you teeth for enabling me to bite off what I like and growl at what I don’t.
Thank you ears for listening to the higher voice.
Thank you tongue for helping me to sing.
This is my beautiful body today and always.
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