An Invitation
Families benefit from phrases that begin with “Let us…” or “Let’s….” “Let us” offers an invitation to engage with one another, to do something together. It is an invitation to a deeper relationship. Sometimes the invitation accompanies fun.
- “Let’s play a game.”
- “Let’s go for a walk.”
- “Let’s pretend like we’re on an adventure.”
Sometimes the invitation comes with work. Even if the invitation suggests a work activity, it implies that the work will be done together, within relationship, with mutual support for one another.
- “Let’s wash the dishes.”
- “Let’s clean up the yard.”
- “Let’s go get the groceries.”
“Let’s…” brings people together to imagine a new world together. It invites people to create a new story, a story of intimacy, love, service, and kindness. Of course, “let’s…” can be misused; so “let’s” use caution not to misuse it.
With all this in mind, I want to offer a few invitations for the new year:
- “Let’s build our families on the foundation of honor and grace.”
- “Let’s celebrate the diversity within our family, honoring one another’s strengths and showing grace for one another’s mistakes.”
- “Let’s celebrate our families with conversation, fun, and mutual support.”
- “Let’s share kindness with one another in the family and those outside our families.”
- “Let’s love one another deeply.”
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