Tears? Who Would Have Thought?
I learned in the study of human developmental that men often become more willing to express emotions as they age. I guess this has happened to me…or, is happening as I move through my fifties. Actually, I would not say I have developed a greater willingness to express emotions but I have developed a more difficult time holding emotions back, especially tears. I find tears arising more and more often, not the tears of sorrow but the tears of overwhelming emotion.
- The tears of seeing the magnificence of the mountains stretching out across the horizon along with the tears of gratitude that I have the opportunity to witness such majesty and beauty.
- The tears of witnessing kindness shared between people who differ in so many ways, a glimpse of grace in this segregated world.
- The tears of sorrow when a loved one passes combined with the tears of celebrating their life and the contribution of their life to the world in which I live.
- The tears of intimacy that arise when sharing laughter with family.
- The tears of sorrow as my children “leave the nest” combined with the tears of excited anticipation for what they will experience and accomplish.
- The tears of longing as I pray both daughters find like-minded people with whom they can share their life’s dreams.
- The tears of pure joy as I watch my children do what brings them joy and see the positive impact they have on their friends and the world around them.
- The tears of gratitude and appreciation as I watch my daughter and her fiance admire one another, dreaming and loving together.
Like I said, tears just seem to surface more easily. Who would have thought that tears represent so much more than mere sorrow or pain? They represent love, beauty, anticipation, inspiration, and even overwhelming joy and laughter. Of course, I still hold them back. I make attempts to hide them. I’m not sure why. After all, tears seem to water the seeds of emotions that produce the fruit of intimate relationships. So, if you happen to see a tear roll down my cheek, don’t worry. It only means I care enough about you to share that tear with you. In the meantime, don’t tell anyone; it will ruin my reputation.
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