12 Simple & Creative Summer Activities for Your Family
Having fun with your family does not have to be expensive this summer. Try some of these ideas.
- Go get ice cream cones together.
- Go for a walk in the woods.
Have a picnic at a local park…or in your back yard.
- Enjoy an evening of stargazing. Tell stories about various constellations.
- Enjoy a free concert at a local venue.
- Pull out the sprinkler and put on your bathing suits for a day of water fun. Add squirt guns for even more fun.
- Go to a baseball game. If you have a minor league team nearby, enjoy watching their game.
- Play some yard games like Frisbee, Corn Hole, or catch.
- Enjoy a game of putt-putt.
- Make a home-made bird feeder out of a milk carton, fill it up with bird seed and do some bird watching.
- Go for a hike and start a leaf collection. Pick some wildflowers and arrange a beautiful bouquet for a shut-in.
- Have a campfire in the back yard and tell stories.
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